My new hobby Nanoblock

Recently, I found a new hobby which is Nanoblock. It is just like LEGO but a mini version. The above was bought in one of SG departmental store. The design looks not too bad.Take a look at how the toy is like here.

Completed the bottom of the castle

Right now they have a few ranges and is already selling in many retails store in SG. What you see in the store is only a subset of what they actually have. Many of the design available are all running out only left a few not very popular ones. So, i actually brought in some others that i have not seen in SG yet.

The smallest brick is equivalent to the tip of the earphone plug!
Nanoblock is definitely ideal for me. The completed size is very small and it is very challenging to handle the small bricks. Most importantly, i feel it is cheaper than LEGO comparing that amount of bricks.